During my last few years of working when I was dreaming of retirement, I was picturing a nomadic life, staying for 2-3 months in European towns that weren’t too touristy. I wanted to live in Europe, not be a tourist. Montpellier is the type of town that I had pictured. It has 300k people but…
Day Trips from Arles
The first week in Europe we try to take it a bit slow because we are almost always suffering from a bit of jetlag. A small town like Arles is a great first stop, because there isn’t that many must see destinations. We thought if we were able to conquer jetlag that we would be…
Arles, France – WTF?!?!?!
We are off on another adventure! First stop- Arles in Provence. It took us a bit to get here. British Airways overbooked us on our flight from Seattle and didn’t tell us until we just about to board. We ended up spending another night in Seattle and then accepting a 12 hour layover in London…
Our Least Favorite Question
We get this question a lot! Our friends and family ask us…. as well as strangers we meet while traveling… and we still don’t know how to answer it…. What is your favorite travel destination? I can’t tell you my favorite child or favorite nephew. I don’t know my favorite band or even my favorite…
People and/or Places
We are just completing our Seattle summer back at home. We have spent 3 months seeing a lot of friends and family and getting reconnected after spending most of the year in other countries. The summer flew by but we did have many opportunities to spend some time with people that we really missed. We…
Backpacking at Baker
I just had a great weekend camping between Mount Shuksan and Mount Baker and had to make a post to show off all the great pics we took. My boys and I started early on Friday and hiked from Artist Point around Table Mountain and found one of the last campsites at Mazama Lake. It…
Visit Seattle
Booking travel is a lot of work and doing it right takes a lot of research in a town you’ve never visited. I work hard at understanding transit and finding the best neighborhoods, activities, restaurants and museums. I know Seattle really well, so this is going to be the post that I would be exited…
Traveling Lighter
For the past 20 years or so, I have been losing 5 pounds every summer while bike commuting to work. Then I gain 10 pounds every winter when it starts to rain and I end up driving everywhere again. Of course that is not sustainable, and every few years I ended up having to go…
Old School Road Trip
We have always have had the urge to travel, but the early years of our relationship, we didn’t have the means to do the type of airplane travel that we do now. We still had curiosity about nature, people, and the world so we just pursued it a different way. So, we did a lot…
Biking Again in Seattle
I am so happy to be back biking again in Seattle. There are so many different trails to explore and I have been enjoying getting back to all my favorite routes. I have tried biking in many different places in the world (although not as much as I would like to) but I really believe…
Refuge of Hope
I have talked a lot about our struggles to slow down our travel. We have conflicting desires on our travel strategy. On one hand we want to see the whole world and our bucket list is so long that we are always eager to see everything and keep moving on. On the other hand, we…
Day Trips from Bucerias Mexico
One of the reasons that we travel, is to explore new towns and beaches. We are staying in one town for several weeks, so we feel a little guilty that we aren’t on the road every day finding new things. But one of the reasons we are here, is to have a break in the…
Bucerias, Mexico…Again?!?!
Why do we keep coming back? In early 2021, we were one of the first people to get the vaccine so we were able to travel again. We spent a month “Working from Home” on the beach in Bucerias Mexico- just North of Puerto Vallarta. I wrote about it here when this blog was mostly…
Our travel planning Oobeya board
About 20 years ago, the boss came to me and said we needed a visibility room. I reserved a room and set up our first project room. We put all of our goals on one wall, all of our deadlines on another, all of our projects on one wall, and all the metrics showing how…
Places that punch above their weight
Being from Seattle, I always smile when I see something from my city in a different part of the world. Our city of just 800,000 people (3 million in metro area) has a lot of athletes, artists, musicians, movies, buildings, and companies that are recognizable all over the world. I saw a lot of Nirvana…